Why did we uproot our perfectly good life in sunny Southern California and close our window cleaning business to move to Washington D.C.? The answer… God.

For many years my family and I saw God lay on our heart to help plant a church, but not traditionally. But God wanted us to see that He has more in store for us than just a church plant. We heard D.C. but I needed to make sure. In December of 2016 I set out on my, “go and spy out the land” trip. And it was confirmed. God was indeed calling us to this awesome city.

After lots of praying, another “spy out the land” trip and waiting on God for His timing, my family and I set off to fulfill and obey the call on our lives.

So what did we do in Washington D.C.? The answer…

Equip the saints for the work of the ministry, Edify the body of Christ & Evangelize, Everywhere we go.

God gave us a vision for Ephesians 4 D.C. in Ephesians 4:12-16.

We long to see the body of Christ equipped through the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in order to Edify (or build up) the body of Christ and go out themselves to evangelize and do this same thing, everywhere they go. This can only be done by the Spirit’s leading and guiding.

Ministry in the Greek means “to serve”. We serve wherever the need of the body has a need. We fed the homeless. We walked the streets of D.C. pouring out God’s love through the Spirit’s leading and we did it in a way that is different than most evangelists you would typically see on YouTube, through time-building relationships.

And church planting? Well, imagine a church without walls and that’s what God continues to build, HIS church. We are missionaries/evangelists everywhere we may journey.